Rinnovo Accordo Petroleum Experts per rilascio license educational

13 Dicembre 2023

EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION LICENCE AGREEMENT between Petroleum Experts Limited (PETEX Ltd.) and d’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara (Ud’A)
(contract Ref: Agr_ULA_UniChieti_19_05_01)

The PETEX Licensor has kindly donated to the DiSPUTer department (Ud'A), ten sets of the MOVE suite program with the free software upgrades.

The program is licensed exclusively for teaching, tutorials, and non-commercial research, for relevant Master and PhD courses. The software will not be used for any commercial purposes, including commercially funded projects.

The Licensor has donated through a credit granted amounting to £1,872,218.26 and for this reason, the cost for the Disputer Department and d’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara is equal zero.